openss7 0.9.2.F Released - OpenSS7 Master Package
Brian F. G. Bidulock
2007-06-25 18:17:12 UTC
Package openss7-0.9.2.F was released under GPLv2 2007-06-24.

This is the OpenSS7 Master Package package. It consists of a master
package that contains all other OpenSS7 Project package releases. Use
this package if you are interested in ease of installation of a wide
range of OpenSS7 Project packages.

The OpenSS7 Master Package package contains:

- sctp-0.2.26 (Linux Native Sockets SCTP),
- iperf-2.0.7 (Internet Performance),
- streams- (Linux Fast-STREAMS),
- strcompat- (STREAMS Compatibility Modules),
- strutil- (STREAMS Utilities),
- strbcm- (STREAMS Binary Compatibility Module),
- strtty- (STREAMS Terminals),
- strxns- (STREAMS X/Open Networking Services),
- strxnet- (STREAMS X/Open Networking),
- strsock- (STREAMS Sockets),
- strinet- (STREAMS Internet),
- strsctp- (STREAMS SCTP),
- striso- (STREAMS Open Systems Interconnect),
- netperf-2.3.6 (Network Performance),
- strchan- (STREAMS Channels),
- strisdn- (STREAMS ISDN Stack),
- strss7-0.9a.7 (STREAMS SS7 Stacks),
- sigtran- (STREAMS SIGTRAN Stack),
- strvoip- (STREAMS VoIP Stacks),
- osr61- (Dialogic Open System Release 6.1) and
- LiS-2.18.6 (Linux STREAMS).

If you need to build an install a significant number of these packages,
the OpenSS7 Master Package package is the easiest way to do so.

This is the fifth public release of the OpenSS7 Master Package. See
README in the release for a sub-package listing. Most of the
sub-packages in the release are production grade for Linux Fast-STREAMS.
All existing validation test suites run clean on supported distributions
and architectures.

The OpenSS7 Master Package is not released as often as the sub-packages.
As sub-packages are released more often, to rebuild the master package
with a new sub-package release, simply replace the directory to which
the sub-package belongs with the unpacked sub-package release and then
rebuild the master package. This release provides support for recent
distributions and tool chains.

Major features since the last public release are as follows:

- Staggering performance improvements. Corrections and performance
tuning of the Linux Fast-STREAMS package has had performance
improvements across the board in the subpackages. Linux Fast-STREAMS
and its subpackages now run up to 6 times faster than before. Linux
Fast-STREAMS is now running 25 times faster than the deprecated (and
darn slow) LiS.

- See the STREAMS <http://www.openss7.org/streams_perf.html>, UDP
<http://www.openss7.org/udp_perf.html>, TCP
<http://www.openss7.org/tcp_perf.html> and SCTP
<http://www.openss7.org/strsctp_perf.html> performance pages for
more information on this performance breakthrough.

- Support build on openSUSE 10.2.
- Support build on Fedora 7 and 2.6.21 kernel.
- Support build on CentOS 5.0 (RHEL5).
- Support build on Ubuntu 7.04.
- Updated to gettext 0.16.1.

- Changes to support build on 2.6.20-1.2307.fc5 and
2.6.20-1.2933.fc6 kernel.

- Supports build on Fedora Core 6.
- Support for recent distributions and tool chains.

This is a public stable production grade release of the package: it
deprecates previous releases. Please upgrade to the current release
before reporting bugs.

As with other OpenSS7 releases, this release configures, compiles,
installs and builds RPMs and DEBs for a wide range of Linux 2.4 and
2.6 RPM- and DPKG-based distributions, and can be used on production
kernels without patching or recompiling the kernel.

This package is publicly released under the GNU General Public License
Version 2. The release is available as an autoconf tarball, SRPM,
DSC, and set of binary RPMs and DEBs. See the downloads page
<http://www.openss7.org/download.html> for the autoconf tarballs,
SRPMs and DSCs. For tarballs, SRPMs, DSCs and binary RPMs and DEBs,
see the openss7 package page <http://www.openss7.org/openss7_pkg.html>.

See <http://www.openss7.org/codefiles/openss7-0.9.2.F/ChangeLog> and
<http://www.openss7.org/codefiles/openss7-0.9.2.F/NEWS> in the release
for more information. Also, see the openss7.pdf manual in the
release, also in html <http://www.openss7.org/openss7_manual.html>.

For the news release, see <http://www.openss7.org/rel20070624_L.html>.

Brian F. G. Bidulock
