striso Released - STREAMS ISO Networking for Linux
Brian F. G. Bidulock
2007-03-17 08:51:15 UTC
Package striso- was released under GPLv2 2007-03-15.

OpenSS7 ISO Stack (striso) is an OpenSS7 Project implementation of
various Open Systems Interconnect (OSI) International Standards
Organization (ISO) networking components for Linux Fast-STREAMS.

The package uses the following standard Open Systems Interconnect (OSI)
conforming header files from the `strxns' package:

- <sys/cdi.h> Communications Device Interface
- <sys/dlpi.h> Data Link Provider Interface Version 2.0.0
- <sys/npi.h> Network Provider Interface Version 2.0.0

The package uses the following standard Open Systems Interconnect (OSI)
conforming header files from the `strxnet' package:

- <sys/tihdr.h> Transport Provider Interface Version 2.0.0

The package currently includes the following STREAMS kernel modules and

- streams_x223.ko /dev/cons
- streams_x233.ko /dev/clns
- streams_x224.ko /dev/tp0 /dev/tp4
- streams_X234.ko /dev/clts
- streams_isot.ko module /dev/isot
- streams_lpp.ko module /dev/lpp
- streams_cmot.ko module /dev/cmot
- streams_itot.ko module
- streams_itos.ko module

* x223(4) driver provides CONS and CLNS services in accordance
with the ISO/OSI Network Protocol X.223;

* x224(4) driver provides OSI Transport Protocol services in
accordance with the ISO/OSI Transport Protocol X.224;

* isot(4) driver and module provides ISO Transport over TCP/IP
as specified in RFC 1006/STD 35;

* lpp(4) driver and module provides ISO Transport over TCP/IP as
specified in RFC 1085;

* cmot(4) driver and modules provides ISO Common Management
Information Protocol (CMIP) over TCP/IP as specified in RFC 1095;

* itot(4) module provides ISO Transport over TCP as specified in
RFC 2126; and,

* itos(4) module provides ISO Transport over SCTP.

The OpenSS7 ISO Stack package includes kernel modules, SVR 4.2 STREAMS
drivers, modules, libraries, utilities, test programs, daemons, and
development environment for the development and execution of X/Open
Network Services (ISO) protocol stack components and applications for
the SVR 4.2 STREAMS environment.

This release is a separate release of the OpenSS7 ISO Stack package.
Some of the components in this package were formerly present in the
strss7 package. Various networking drivers are provided as well as CDI,
DLPI, NPI, TPI and XTI header files for ISO/OSI operation. The package
contains the necessary manual pages and other documentation for ISO/OSI
componentsin a separate autoconf tarball. This release is a pre-alpha
release, and is an optional part of the OpenSS7 Master Package (as of

This release is the second open source release of the OpenSS7 ISO Stack
package. Some of the components in this package were formerly present
in the strss7 package. Various networking drivers are provided as well
as CDI, DLPI, NPI, TPI and XTI header files for ISO/OSI operation. The
package contains the necessary manual pages and other documentation for
ISO/OSI components in a separate autoconf tarball.

This is the initial alpha release for Linux Fast-STREAMS and is part of
the OpenSS7 Master Package (openss7-0.9.2.E).

Major features since the last public release are as follows:

- Improvements to the common build environment with better support for
standalone package builds on 2.4 kernels.

- Support for autoconf 2.61, automake 1.10 and gettext 0.16.

- Support for Ubuntu 6.10 distribution and bug fixes for i386 kenels.

- The package now looks for other subpackages with a version number as
unpacked by separate tarball.

This is a public alpha release of the package. This package is
currently incomplete. It is being released as a reference point for the
community. If you are interested in completion of this package, contact

As with other OpenSS7 releases, this release configures, compiles,
installs and builds RPMs and DEBs for a wide range of Linux 2.4 and 2.6
RPM- and DPKG-based distributions, and can be used on production kernels
without patching or recompiling the kernel.

This package is publicly released under the `GNU General Public License
Version 2'. The release is available as an autoconf tarball, SRPM, DSC,
and set of binary RPMs and DEBs. See the downloads page
(http://www.openss7.org/download.html) for the autoconf tarballs, SRPMs
and DSCs. For tarballs, SRPMs, DSCs and binary RPMs and DEBs, see the
striso package page (http://www.openss7.org/striso_pkg.html).

See http://www.openss7.org/codefiles/striso- and
http://www.openss7.org/codefiles/striso- in the release for
more information. Also, see the `striso.pdf' manual in the release
(also in html http://www.openss7.org/striso_manual.html).

For the news release, see `http://www.openss7.org/rel20070315_8.html'.

Brian F. G. Bidulock
