Minor device number
Reuter, Joseph (Mission Systems)
2005-11-09 16:18:07 UTC

Your situation sounds a lot like mine. I duplicated the pkg/proto
directory as pkg/adds, changed the name of the variable in Space.c and
added my Config file. In the Config file, I specify my driver and
modules "loadable". Then I build STREAMS as one RPM and the driver and
modules as another RPM. In the startup script, I load STREAMS and the
driver and modules before starting STREAMS. And away it goes. There is
probably a way to use autoload but I didn't bother since the device my
driver supports runs continuously from boot to shutdown anyway.

Joe Reuter
Fundamental Law of Engineering:
20% of the work consumes 80% of the resources; the remaining 80% of the
work consumes the other 80% of the resources.
